02/07/2021 @ 5:00 pm America/Chicago Timezone
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #6441
401 Jacobs Well Rd
TX 78676

Mike Noriega and Elijah O’Neal will be the speakers for our February meeting.

From a young age, Mike has had a passion for our nation. In 2016, at the age of 16, he graduated high school. In 2017, he graduated Oak Brook College of Law and Governmental Policy with a paralegal certifi-cate. At 18, he began, and is currently, working for the Texas House of Representative and is an ambas-sador for Patriot Academy a nation-wide organization that trains patriots to be champions of freedom both in their communities and in political offices.

Mike has also traveled across the nation educating Americans on the principles of freedom and giving them action steps to be leaders in restoring freedom in their communities, their states, and their nation.

Indwelled with a spirit patriotism and a love of our na-tion’s history at a young age, Elijah has never tak-en the great American Experiment for granted. Upon learning of the sacrifice millions of patriots made so that he could be free, his passion towards public ser-vice was emboldened.

For four years Elijah served on the Maricopa County Juvenile Diversion Program, where he was tasked with investigating minor criminal matters and administer-ing punitive measures. In 2019, he joined the Torch of Freedom Foundation where he traveled across the na-tion teaching about our Constitution and our nation’s godly heritage with Rick Green. In addition to being a published author in the NRA Magazine, he now serves as a communications director in the Texas House of Representatives.